Websites Made Easy

Simple command cheat pages for all website developers

What is a website anyways?

Looking around you see so many different and varied version of websites on the internet it is hard to know exactly what you need to build.

Technically speaking a website is just a collection of one or more webpages (HTML documents) that exist at a given location (website address / URL) on a server attached to the internet.

In marketing terms it is a communication vehicle to disseminate information about a given topic whether that be about a business, an idea (such as a political or social issue), music, or any other concept one or more people may be interested in.

Websites can be used to sell products, share stories and pictures, inform people about a topic or just to host fun games. So the first real job when you decide you want a website is to determine what is going to do.


  • Add Java Home to a User

    If an application needs to use java in a process it will be running and that process is based on something that must auto-restart on boot it is a good idea to set up the variable $JAVA_HOME. 1) Go to the users home directory: cd ~ 2) Open the file /home/username/.bashrc: vim .bashrc 3) And […]

    By paulg | June 4, 2019

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  • How to create a new sudo user and secure with SSH key

    Log in to your server as the root user or as yourself if you are a sudo or can become a root user. ssh root@server_ip_address or ssh you@server_ip_address su enter su password Then use the adduser command to create a new user on the system. (replace username with the user that you want to create). […]

    By paulg | October 9, 2017

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  • How to config Apache to 301 for HTTP to HTTPS

    To configure the proper 301 redirects for going from HTTP to HTTPS in Apache2, add the following redirect rules either to the Apache config file. If you do not have access you can still add these rules to your .htaccess in the root of your site: To move from, or to […]

    By paulg | September 27, 2017

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